The United States Department of Agriculture has launched a new summer benefit program for low and middle income families. The program is known as Sun Bucks New $120 Summer EBT Program 2024. This aims to provide the eligible families and children aged between 0-22 with additional benefits when schools are on summer holidays. The program will benefit the children and families during the time of summer holidays. With the conclusion of summer holidays, the program will also conclude. The school going children and their families will be provided with $120 benefits to buy groceries from the farmer’s corner or local grocery stores. The states will decide the other relevant factor regarding the $120 Summer EBT according to their preference and circumstances.
Sun Bucks New $120 Summer EBT Program 2024
The USDA is set to support the children and their families with the $120 summer EBT. The Summer EBT is like a debit card which the beneficiaries can use at local grocery stores and farmer’s corners. The Summer EBT card can only be used for buying raw material for consumption. The purpose of the Summer EBT is to enable the recipient uncooked food. Certain families need to qualify for the SUN BUCKS $120 PROGRAM but the children will automatically eligible for the benefits.
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The children who have enrolled in various such schemes will directly get the benefits via email or text. The program is not affected by the immigration status of the citizens to avail the benefits. It will benefit the families and children regardless of their citizenship. The persons and children need to stay in the US at the time of the benefits and have been staying there for last three months. The SUN BUCKS $120 benefit will remain the same irrespective of the eligible children. The children will get the SUN BUCKS $120 once in the summer holidays when the school are summer break.
Sun Bucks New $120 Summer EBT Program 2024: Overview
Title | Sun Bucks New $120 Summer EBT Program 2024
Official agency | United States Department of Agriculture |
Country of Origin | The USA |
Benefit amount | $120 one time Summer EBT card |
Expected Dates | Summer 2024 |
Beneficiaries | Children aged between 0-22 |
Participation | Only some children and families become automatically eligible
Other have to apply for the SUN BUCKS $120 |
Sun Bucks New $120 Summer EBT Program 2024 Income Guidelines
The families who have incomes below 185% the federal poverty levels will receive the benefits. Also the number of the family members in the household will determine the SUN BUCKS $120 benefits. The minimum income for a single person in a family is $26973. And the maximum income of a family can be up to $93536 on a yearly basis. If the income goes higher than the mentioned limits, the families will not be able to receive the SUN BUCKS $120 SUMMER EBT program benefits.
Children Eligible for Sun Bucks New $120 Summer EBT Program 2024
I have already described that some of families need to apply for the SUN BUCKS benefits while remaining ones will automatically receive the payments in summer months. But the children need to participate in below mentioned program
- Food and Nutrition Services or FNS. The family is enrolled in the FNS service
- Foster care programs. The eligible children are put into foster care homes
- Medicaid with household income below 185% of the federal poverty levels. The family is receiving the medical care through Medicaid program
- Work first (temporary assistance for needy families or TANF). The family of the children is part of TANF
- Free and reduced price meals at schools because they have application for FRP
- If the children go to National School Lunch Program or NSLP and Community Eligibility Provisions or CEP. The children can apply for the SUN BUCKS benefits with qualifying family incomes
What can you buy from Sun Bucks New $120 Summer EBT Program 2024?
The eligible children and their families can buy food as such Food and Nutrition Service. The food should be uncooked and raw. The eligible individuals cannot buy hot and already prepared food. The SUN BUCKS program bars the persons from buying liquor, beer, wine, cigarette and tobacco. The individuals cannot buy the items such soaps, household supplies and other items that are not food products. The food such as seeds and plant that can make food can be bought. The persons can also buy breads, fruit, vegetables, bottled water and drinks (non alcoholic), meat, chicken and eggs. The individuals can also buy food that is not hot and prepared. The eligible persons can buy every item that will make edible food.
What If Your Child Does Not Attend NSLP or CEP?
If the child of the family does not attend a NSLP and CEP, he or she will not be eligible for the benefits through the Sun Bucks New $120 Summer EBT Program 2024. The children must be enrolled either in NSLP or CEP. The families cannot apply for the benefits if the children are not from NSLP or CEP. It is very important factor the children to be eligible for the benefits through the upcoming SUMMER EBT PROGRAM.
The children can expect the Sun Bucks New $120 Summer EBT Program 2024 benefits starting from mid June to early July. The dates can change in case the states have different regulations and implementation for the program. Every eligible child of a family will get the benefits no matter how many children are there in one family. For the additional details, the families and eligible children can visit the official source of the SUN BUCKS.
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Rene Sees her Life in a Philosophical Way. She believes that minds inspire people, but great values inspire generations .In Rene you will surely find a Writer trusty for knowledge. She Loves to research into deep & share her valuable thoughts with readers specially into Finance ,Government Aid & social security domain.