Ethics Policy

It is to discuss the Ethics Policy of our Publication EJSR. The EJRS Magazine has been engaged in the field of news publication for more than Five Years now. And since then, it has been rigorously maintaining the Code of Conduct. We have never breached the public ethical policies while dissipating the relevant news for the audience. The Magazine has been engaged in providing the news from various parts of the world and covers all the fields of information whether it is the field of finance, News, taxation, government aid, environment, social security or what not. Every single person involved in the publication process maintains the company’s ethics policy and decorum of publication along with ensuring that the News has been to be updated and relevant for the audience.

Professionalism– this is the core of our company. And it is also our strength. We aim to grow taking all the employees with us. Every one of us shows a professional attitude when it comes to work. We at the company promote team work and motivate the employees for their personal growth. The professional development along with the personal development of the loyal employees is motivated by the major stakeholders of the company. The personal dignity and self esteem of each and everyone involved in the work of publication are maintained through rigorous norms.

Accountability– not only the professionalism but also the accountability of the employees and stakeholders is the back bone behind the growth and prosperity of the company. We at the center of the company encourage employees to take all the accountability if anything undesired happens. It not only makes a space for further development but also motivates the junior level employees to take necessary decisions for the growth of the company. The person involved in anything which does not align with the ethical policies of the publication is responsible for the critical reviews from the stakeholders.

Trust- we trust the process of the engaged persons and their capability. The persons involved in the publication at any level whether at the high scale or at the lowest one are completely trusted. They have enough room for taking the much required decisions and everyone has be trust them.

Confidentiality– this is the area where we do not make any compromise in the publication. Each and everyone has to maintain privacy and confidentiality of the work and the company. In case we found anyone guilty of sharing any confidential information with our other competitors, the person would be terminated and subject to strict punishments as per case.

Privacy– even the person engaged at the smallest level cannot complain about the infringement of their privacy. It is the basic fundamental right and every one of us either involved at work or not should have a right to live a private life. No one can make encroachments on the personal life of the employees in any case. At least till the interest of the company do not come to questions, all of them have a personal life without being forced to report anything relevant to the company.

The work we do at the EJSR Publication is fair and square at its core. All of us follow a code of conduct to maintain the harmony between the interest of the company and the employees’ as well. If anyone found guilty of engaging in the infringement of ethics policy, will have to leave the organization urgently. No one can support him or her at any cost. And the fundamental rights of even employee engaged at the smallest scale will be safeguarded.