Editorial Policy

The progressive and non intrusive editorial policies of the EJSR Publication aid the editor-in-chief of the organization to take certain decisions that have a larger impact on the whole of the organization. Though all the decisions are taken by the board unanimously, sometimes it becomes inevitable for the organization to run on the decisions and planning of a single persons much in the case of on the decision of the publication of the news. In case of contrasting views, only the decisions taken by the board and supported by the majority of the employees will be followed whatever the editor-in-chief thinks.

When the time of crunch comes, it is the board whose decisions matter the most. Because the editor-in-chief may be biased to something that does not favor the organization in longer run, if there is any dispute regarding the publication, no one can take decisions rather than the editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief decides what to publish when and what to not publish then.

If some topics have wider impact on our audience, then it is the matter of discussion and all the decisions will be taken on the basis of consent from the major stakeholders. Therefore, you can assume that the distribution of power at our organization is completely balanced and no one has absolute rights on anything.

We practice Investigative Journalism and follow the basic principles for the editorial ethics. Until we do not receive complete information about the piece of news that has to be printed, we avoid printing such information. Though many of the pieces of news depend on the assumptions and speculations, we still maintain decorum to inform our audience about the minutest details. We are completely against the notion of keeping the audience in the dark.

Without accuracy, there is no news that we support and publish on our website. Each and every piece of news goes through rigorous process of accuracy check through various departments engaged in the specialized field. We still make sure the audience receives the accurate and latest information about news as of the time being. But the time passes, the accuracy of any particular news article may be subject to question because of the current changes that have taken place in the course of time.